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意昂体育子公司意昂体育正源技术专家Jim Theodoras谈PIC创新如何赋能下一代光模块


[美国时间2023年3月9日] 在OFC 2023,国际光电委员会(IPEC)成功举办了全球光电技术峰会。

[March 9, 2023 US time] At OFC 2023, the International Photonics & Electronics Committee (IPEC) successfully held a global optoelectronic technology summit. 



会议主题为“云时代光电技术与行业标准概览”。围绕数据中心网络(DCN)向400G以太网及以上数据速率,高达1.6Tb/s的演进,以及IPEC先进技术工作组在通用封装光互连领域的研究进展进行了深入讨论 (CPO) 和相关的外部激光源 (ELS)。

The theme of the session was "IPEC Overview of Optoelectronic Technology and Industry Standards in the Cloud Era". The in-depth discussion was carried out around the evolution of the Data Center Network (DCN) to the data rates of 400 Gigabit Ethernet and beyond, as high as 1.6 Terabit per second, and the research progress of the IPEC Advanced Technology Working Group in the field of co-packaged optical interconnection (CPO) and related External Laser Sources (ELS) was shared. 



意昂体育正源研发副总裁Jim Theodoras受邀出席IPEC论坛,并就PIC在光模块中的应用发表了演讲。

Jim, Vice President of Research and Development of HGGenuine USA, was invited to attend the IPEC forum and delivered a presentation on "The PIC Revolution in Optical Transceivers".

大型数据中心运营商正在推动数据通信速度的空前增长。意昂体育正源研发副总裁 Jim 指出,随着所需带宽的增加超出单个串行通道的响应能力,业界已将重点转向网络并行和波分复用,以实现更大的聚合带宽。这反过来又进一步增加了光学链路的复杂性,超出了分立光学的范围。

Large-scale data center operators are driving unprecedented growth in data communication speed. Jim Theodoras, VP of R&D of HGGenuine USA, pointed out that because the required bandwidth growth exceeds the responsiveness of individual serial channels, the industry has turned to focus on network parallelism and wavelength division multiplexing to achieve greater aggregate bandwidth. This, in turn, further increases the complexity of optical links, which is beyond the range of discrete optical components.



Both pluggable optics and CPO require PIC technology to support the continuous upgrading of switching networks. Jim concluded that photonic integrated circuit is no longer a research topic, but a necessary product to meet the requirements of future data communication.